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2016-05-22 09:13:38 时间:2016-05-22 09:13:38 来源:中华五金门户网

供应商:深圳虎桥威盟国际物流有限公司【公司网站】所在地:中国 广东 深圳 联系人:崔小姐/River价格:18元/件




MOB :1866595 6450

QQ : 953864635

SHENZHENBSeaHogInternational Logistics is the largestChinaimport Customs ClearanceAgency company for food materials and food products imports.

Seahog can bethe import agent for the following import projects, but not limited to: beer beverage import customs declaration, red wine import customs declaration,olive oil import customs clearance, dry fruit import customs clearance,? canned food import customs declaration, sauceand condiment import customs clearance, candy customs declaration, dried food,Frozen seafood and other food stuff import customs clearance and logisticsservices.

Since 2001, Seahoghave been taking large food import package projects and food import door todoor logistics, providing a full set of food import customs clearanceservices(including Chinese label design for imported food, import consigneeenterprise registration, food import license agency, Hong Kong warehouse anddistribution, barge, import customs declaration, import commercial inspection,mainland China warehouse and logistics and other import logistics supply chainservices )for beverage, red wine, olive oil, dried food, canned food, sauce,condiment, candy and other food stuff.

With a teamof over 300 professional import consultants, SHENZHENBSeaHog InternationalLogistics, take and operate import logistics in nine big port cities ofChina(Shanghai,Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Tianjin,Qingdao,Ningbo,Xiamen, Dongguan,Suzhou).Thanks to the in-house ERp central case information software, Seahog is able toprovide the best import logistics solution for clients within three minutes.

Contact: Ms River Tsui,,

Email: wxytongtong@126.com

Mob:186 6595 6450